
Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.1.8 FINAL + Crack [TFPDL]

Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.1.8 FINAL + Crack [TFPDL]
Revo Uninstaller – innovative freeware uninstall utility. Uninstall, delete, remove programs and solve uninstalling problems. Revo Uninstaller helps you to uninstall and remove unwanted programs installed on your computer even if you have problems uninstalling and cannot uninstall them from Windows Add or Remove Programs control panel applet. Revo Uninstaller is a much faster and more powerful alternative to Windows Add or Remove Programs applet! With its advanced and fast algorithm, Revo Uninstaller analyzes an applications data before uninstall and scans after you uninstall an application.

Hunter Mode
This is a special, innovative feature of Revo uninstaller which gives you the flexibility to uninstall, stop or delete programs with one click only by simply dragging the Hunter window, with the mouse cursor, over desktop icons, quick launch toolbar, in the system tray or to the open program\’s window.

(Total Size):…………..(10 mB)

1) Stop the application if started
2) Install application using provided installer and do not reboot
3) Copy revouninstallerpro.lic and paste to C:\ProgramData\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller Pro

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