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Author Archives: scene

Halo Wars: Definitive Edition-CODEX + Hot Fix [TFPDL]

Halo Wars: Definitive Edition-CODEX + Hot Fix [TFPDL]
Halo Wars: Definitive Edition version has been updated and improved version of the classic Halo Wars is to run on PC have been major changes. Covenant and UNSC forces in the war will be difficult. Definitive Edition In addition to being unique angle on the campaign depicting some will also introduce the new champion. Halo military force and took control of them and using the right strategy, make the enemy to its knees. In this version is to improve the graphics, adding new achievements and all previous DLC will be additional or closed.
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Syberia 3: Digital Deluxe Edition Version-3DM [TFPDL]

Syberia 3: Digital Deluxe Edition Version-3DM [TFPDL]
MThe story continues Syberia series that tells the story of a girl American attorney for steampunk elements to travel around Europe and Russia. Hero of the game after the liberation of the island in the previous series finds himself in a place unknown to her rescue people who have helped Youkol.
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